Comprehensive · DUA (SUPPLICATION) CATEGORIES: · Dua after last tashahhud and before salam · Dua while in Sujood · Guidance · Istighfar & Tawbah (Forgiveness & Repentance) · Mercy (Rahma) · Peace | Security | Well Being · Rizq (Wealth) · Salah (Prayer) · Sustainance


Abu Malik reported that his father said: A man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said to him: O Messenger of Allah! What shall I say if I want to supplicate to my Lord?’ He (ﷺ) said: “Say:

Allahum-maghfirli warhamni wa ‘aafini warzuqni

O Allah forgive me, have mercy on me, grant me well-being, and grant me sustenance.”

Then he (ﷺ) collected his (four) fingers together except his thumb and said: “It is in these (four) words (a supplication) that combines for you (the goodness) of this world and that of the Hereafter.”

In another narration on the authority of Tariq ibn Ashyam al-Ashja’i who said, “We used to go and visit the Prophet, (ﷺ). On one occasion a man and woman came and the man asked, ‘Messenger of Allah, what should I say when I pray?’ He replied, ‘Say,

Allahum-maghfir li, warhamni, wahdini, warzuqni

O Allah, forgive me, show mercy to me, guide me and provide for me.;

They will combine this world and the Next world for you.’”

[Narrated by al-Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 651, graded Sahih (Al-Albani)]

In the Sunnah there are many narrations within which are found supplications to be recited in the Salah, without it being made clear in which specific place in the prayer it is to be recited. In this case, it is more befitting that they be recited in one of two places: Either in as-Sujood (prostration) or after the Tashahhud, since within the Sunnah there is that which points to the importance of seeking out these two places for supplication.

In another narration by Mu’sab b. Sa’d who reported on the authority of his father that a Bedouin (desert Arab) came to Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) and said to him: “Teach me the words which I should (often) utter. He said: ‘Utter,

La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lah; Allahu Akbar kabira, wal-hamdu lillahi kathira; Subhan-Allahi Rabbil-‘alamin; La hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-‘Azeezil-Hakeem

There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Alone, having no partner with Him, Allah is the Greatest of the great, praise be to Allah in abundance. Glory be to Allah the Lord of the worlds, there is neither might nor power but with Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.’

He (that desert Arab) said: ‘These all (glorify) my Lord. But what about me?’ Thereupon he (the Prophet ﷺ) said: ‘You should say:

Allahummaghfir li, warhamni, wahdini, warzuqni

O Allah forgive me, have mercy upon me, direct me to righteousness and provide me sustenance.’”

[Recorded in Sahih Muslim 2696, Abu Dawud 832. Abu Dawud’s Hadith says when that desert Arab left, the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “He has filled his hand with goodness.”]

Also narrated from Anas (رضي الله عنه) who said: “A Bedouin came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Teach me some goodness.’ So the Prophet (ﷺ) took him by the hand and said: ‘Say:

Subhana’Allahi, wal hamdu lillahi, wa la illaah ila Allah, wa Allahu Akbar,

Far is Allah from imperfection, and all praise be to Allah, and there is none worthy of worship in truth except Allah, and Allah is the Greatest.’

The Bedouin counted them on his hand, when he finished he began to reflect then came back to the Prophet. The Prophet (ﷺ) smiled and said: ‘The desperate one has reflected.’

Then the Bedouin came and said:

‘O Messenger of Allah! ‘Far is Allah from imperfection, and all praise be to Allah, and there is none worthy of worship in truth except Allah, and Allah is the Greatest.’ This is for Allah, what is for me?’

The Prophet – sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam – said: ‘Say:

Allahum-maghfir li, warhamni, wa ’aafini, war zuqni, wahdini

O Allah forgive me, and have mercy on me, and grant me well-being, and provide for me, and guide me.’

The Prophet – sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam – said to him:

‘O Bedouin! If you say: ‘SubhanAllah’, Allah says: ‘you have spoken the truth’,
If you say: ‘Alhamdulillah’, Allah says: ‘you have spoken the truth’,
If you say: ‘La ilaha ‘illa Allah’, Allah says: ‘you have spoken the truth’,
If you say: Allahu Akbar, Allah says: ‘you have spoken the truth’,
If you say: O Allah forgive me, Allah says: ‘I have done so’,
If you say: O Allah have mercy on me, Allah says: ‘I have done so’,
If you say: O Allah give me provision, Allah says: ‘I have done so’,

Then the Bedouin counted it seven times on his fingers, then went away.’”

[Shaykh al-Muhaddith al-Albani (رحمه الله) said: “Collected by al-Bayhaqi in ‘Shu’ab al-Eemaan’ (1/431- 432/619), and this Isnad is Jayyid (good) its narrators are trustworthy as for al-Hasan bin Tawab; then I had become exhausted searching about him until I found who he was. So I performed a Sajdah to Allah thankful for His success and I ask Him for an increase in His excellence.” Silsilah Ahadith as-Sahihah no. 3336]

This Dua with similar words has been narrated to be said while sitting between sujud, during opening qiyam al-layl and when someone embraces Islam.


Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq al-Badr said:

In the request for al-Maghfirah (Forgiveness) there is a shield/protection from the harm of one’s sins.

In asking for ar-Rahmah (Mercy) is the achievement of goodness, kindness and beneficence.

Asking for al-‘Afiyah (Well-being) entails safety from harms and hardships and being rescued from trials and tribulations.

Asking for al-Hidayah (Right Guidance) entails seeking the means of reaching the doors of good fortune and success in this world and the Hereafter.

Asking for ar-Rizq (Provisions and Sustenance) entails receiving that which sustains the physical body, including food and drink, as well as that which sustains the spirit/soul, including (beneficial) knowledge and (true) faith.

[Excerpt taken from the book ‘Explanation of Supplications & Words of Remembrance in the Prayer of the Prophet (ﷺ)’ which is Taken from ‘Fiqh al-Ad’iyah wal-Adhkar’ by Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq ibn Abdul-Muhsin al-Badr. Translated by Abu Mohammad Abdur-Rauf Shakir]

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